
Mac selfcontrol
Mac selfcontrol

mac selfcontrol

The goal is to reduce anxiety, to increase self-confidence, to regulate arousal so you’re at that sweet spot where you’re entirely trouble-free and ready to give it 100%. Some of the main techniques which are used by practitioners, such as imagery, self-talk, and relaxation, are all centred around trying to place oneself in an ideal emotional state for competition. Traditionally, sport psychology has placed a large emphasis on self-control through psychological skills training. This process might explain why sport psychology interventions are sometimes unsuccessful. Performance suffers, the undesirable emotions get worse, and you feel relatively helpless. Trying to suppress it when it is only getting stronger and stronger takes up a large amount of your cognitive capacity, and messes with your ability to concentrate on the things that matter when performing a particular task. The ironic process theory suggests that, when cognitive load is high, trying to suppress a particular thought or emotion actually makes the thought/emotion more intense and more likely to occur (Wegner, 1994). It’s pretty unavoidable, the more we try to suppress a particular thought, the more it seems to creep back into our consciousness. When reading a command like that, the majority of people invariably think of a pink elephant.

mac selfcontrol

The problem with self-control Written by Michael Roskams

Mac selfcontrol